The first unlock requires 35 Nautilus Unleashed Spellements.There are 2 paths of upgrading Nautilus Unleashed, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is to transfer the spell into a dot spell.This Nautilus Unleashed Spellements is used to unlock the spell.Krampus Spellement Nautilus Unleashed Spellements The first unlock requires 75 Krampus Spellements.
There are 2 paths of upgrading fire elf spell, the first path is to higher the initial damage and lowers the dot damage, the second path is to lower the initial damage and higher the dot damage.Dropped by: Fellspawn ( golden key boss in catacombs ), Lambent Fire ( Crystal Caves Stone Key Room ), and Fire Deckathalon Tower battles (event).The first upgrade requires 75 Fire cat Spellements.There are 2 paths of upgrading fire cat spell, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage.Nightbringer Spellement Fire cat Spellements Dropped by: King Detritus in Abandoned House, Prince Viggor in Viggor’s Tomb, and many other bosses in Wizardcity undergrounds.The first unlock requires 35 Nightbringer Spellements.Delay 1 spell cast to the next round ( Second cast ) and adds 4 pips to the spell.Dropped by: King Detritus in Abandoned House, Prince Viggor in Viggor’s Tomb, and many other bosses in Wizardcity undergrounds.ĭaybreaker Spellement Nightbringer Spellements.The first unlock requires 35 Daybreaker Spellements.
Delay 1 spell cast to the next round ( First cast ) and adds 4 pips to the spell, for example, if you used it on pixie spell ( 2 pips ) now it will cost 6 pips and you can cast 2 spells in the same round.